The market shenanigans continue. NYA, a major market index, the NYSE Composite, leaps +10.4%, a huge 1065 points, to 11335, and then immediately collapses in a flash crash, dropping -9.0%, -1025 points, to 10310, in only 2 minutes time. This is a 20% total move in 120 seconds; a phenomenal print. Remarkable. The market price action is erratic, unstable and freakish today. Keystone needs to take a couple heart pills. The shameful move is similar to the erratic RUT gap-up and flash crash 10 days ago. HFT (high-frequency trading) gone mad.
If the Dow performed this move it would have jumped from 16425 at the opening bell to 18133, 1708 points!!! If the SPX performed this move it would have jumped from 1827 at the opening bell to 2017, 190 points!!! Watch your wallet. Stay alert and cautious moving forward. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.
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